
Capital Football use Dribl as its competition and referee management system for all Junior and Senior competitions.

Using Dribl has resulted in the removal of paper team sheets. Now, managers/coaches can use their phones and iPads / tablets to:

  • Prepare and Submit Team
  • Confirm Opposition Team
  • Add Officials
  • Add Scores
  • Report Disputes
  • Report Forfeit

Donna will be at the fields most Saturdays if you need help.

Match Sheet Overview

As a Reporter, Recorder or Referee, you will have a part to play in ensuring all aspects of game day administration are completed.

Visit the Dribl website for a detailed video that takes you through the pre-game, game and post-game tasks to provide context of the complete Dribl process.

Prepare & Submit Team

(this includes borrowing players and add shirt numbers)

As a Reporter, you will need to prepare and submit your team for a match as part of the game day administration.

This task needs to be completed prior to the commencement of the match so that the opposition can confirm your team. Match sheets will lock 10 minutes after kick off and you will not be able to make any changes or submit the sheet.

No new substitutes (borrow players) can be added once you are ten minutes before game kick off.

Visit the Dribl website for an instructional video on completing this task

Confirm Opposition Team

As a Reporter, you will need to confirm the opposition team for a match as part of the game day administration.

This task needs to be completed prior to the commencement of the match so that the referee can perform a final review of the teams before kick-off.

Visit the Dribl website is available on the Dribl website to help you complete this task.

Add Official

As a Reporter, you may need to add an Official to a digital match sheet as part of the game day administration.

This task needs to be completed prior to the commencement of the match.

An instructional video is available on the Dribl website to help you complete this task.


As a Referee or Recorder, you will need to record the scores as part of the game day administration.

This task can be performed during the match or upon match completion.

An instructional video is available on the Dribl website to help you complete this task.


It is possible to raise a dispute in the Dribl digital match sheet as part of game day administration.

If the match was completed but a Reporter from either team identifies an issue with the match sheet information, (example, an incorrect card issued, issued to the wrong player or an incorrect player identified as a goal scorer) they can raise a dispute to the association, who will investigate and resolve the issue.

Visit the Dribl website is available on the Dribl website to help you complete this task.


As a Reporter, you may need need to submit a forfeit request as part of the game day administration.

This task is performed either prior to or on game day.

An instructional videois available on the Dribl website to help you complete this task.

Important: A match is only considered forfeited when the request is accepted and approved by the competition administrator (Capital Football). If the forfeit is not approved by the competition administrator, then the match is considered as still going ahead.